Specifics for Citizens of Eire (Republic of Ireland) who want to get married in Italy
The following information is provided as a general guideline for persons wishing to get married in Italy. Since the procedures vary from city hall to city hall, we suggest to call the Vital Statistics Office (Ufficio Stato Civile) of the City Hall where you plan to marry since they may not all be necessary.
Marriage in Italy:
A couple that is to be married in Italy must appear with two witnesses and make a declaration of their intention to marry before the Ufficiale di Stato Civile (Civil Registrar) of the city or town where the marriage is to take place. The couple must present all required documents (see below) at the time of their declaration. After the declaration is made, it is usually necessary for banns, or marriage announcement, to be posted at the local comune (city hall) for eight consecutive days before the marriage occurs if one of the parties is Italian or if the foreigner citizen is a resident of Italy. However, banns are waived by the Ufficiale di Stato Civile if neither party to the marriage is Italian and neither is residing in Italy.
Marriages abroad are subject to the residency requirements of the country in which the marriage is to be performed. There is almost always a lengthy waiting period.
The couple may be married in a civil or religious ceremony on the fourth day following the banns.
Local authorities require the presence of a translator if neither party speaks Italian.
Civil Ceremonies and Who May Perform Them
A civil ceremony is performed by the Ufficiale di Stato Civile or one of his assistants.
Marriages abroad are almost always performed by local (foreign) civil or religious officials.
Consular officers may authenticate foreign marriage documents.
In general, marriages which are legally performed and valid abroad are also legally valid in the country of residence. Inquiries regarding the validity of a marriage abroad should be verify with the authorities of the state where the parties to the marriage live.
Religious Ceremonies
If a religious ceremony is performed by a Roman Catholic priest, a separate civil ceremony is unnecessary but the priest must register the marriage with the Ufficiale di Stato Civile in order for it to be legal. Because of the special Italian requirements applicable to marriage performed by non-Roman Catholic clergymen, the latter usually insist on a prior civil ceremony before performing a religious ceremony in order to ensure the legality of the marriage.
The Church requires the same documents as a civil service, as well as other documents which you should discuss with the church authorities.
Documents needed:
- Passport
- Birth certificate showing both parents names
- If previously married, evidence of its termination, either with a death certificate or a final divorce decree
- Nulla Osta
- Atto Notorio
- If either party is under 18, you must make an application to the Circuit Family Court or the High Court for an order granting you permission to marry
Documents sourced outside of Italy are considered valid for 6 months only from the date of issue and must be:
- translated into Italian
- authenticated by apostille stamp (both the original and the translation)
This is a declaration that there are no legal obstacles to your marriage. If you are an Irish citizen seeking a Certificats de Coutume or, in the case of Italy, "Nulla Osta" you must complete an online questionnaire along with a Statutory Declaration. If your spouse/intended civil partner is Irish he/she must also complete a separate questionnaire (MP1) and the relevant statutory declaration forms. More info at the Consular Section of the Department of Foreign Affairs (Tel. (01) 408.25.68)
Divorced women
A woman cannot marry within 300 days of the termination of a previous marriage unless special permission is obtained from the competent Italian magistrate. A medical certificate proving she is not pregnant is necessary to obtain this.
For further information we advise you to get in contact with the Irish Embassy in Rome:
Embassy of Ireland
Villa Spada
Via Giacomo Medici, 1
00153 Roma
Tel: +39 06 585 2381
Fax: +39 06 581 3336
Or visit the website web.dfa.ie/