Australian Citizens getting married in Italy
The following information is provided as a general guideline for persons wishing to get married in Italy. Since the procedures vary from city hall to city hall, we suggest to call the Vital Statistics Office (Ufficio Stato Civile) of the City Hall where you plan to marry since they may not all be necessary.
Before arriving in Italy:
- Before leaving Australia, we strongly recommend that you obtain an Atto Notorio (sworn declaration) from the Italian Embassy or Consulate in Australia in the state where you reside.
- Make sure you travel with your Australian passport. If you have been married before, bring evidence of the termination of the previous marriage e.g. Divorce Certificate. Please note that a divorced woman who wants to marry again within 300 days of the date of her divorce must contact the local Italian authorities and seek special permission from an Italian magistrate. Otherwise, she must allow the required period of 300 days to elapse. If you are widowed, you must bring the death certificate of your previous spouse. Certificates can be obtained from the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Once in Italy
In addition to the Atto
Notorio, an Australian citizen intending to get married in
Italy is required to make a Statutory Declaration (Nulla
Osta). This Statutory Declaration is required whether
you are single, divorced or widowed and will have to be signed
in the presence of an Australian Consular officer at the Australian
Embassy in Rome, via Antonio Bosio 5, Tel:06/85272299, (or
Australian Consulate-General in Milan: via Borgogna 2 Tel:
02/77702417). A Nulla Osta literally states that "there
are no impediments," or that one is free to marry. The
Nulla Osta (Statutory Declaration) is valid for six months
and the consular fee amounts to the Euro equivalent of A$50.00 per Australian citizen.
The Nulla Osta must then be legalised by
the Uffico Legalizzazioni of the Prefettura. Before you go
to the Prefettura, you will need to purchase a revenue stamp
(marca da bollo) which costs Euro 16.00 (approx.) at a tobacconist
(tabaccaio) as it will be needed at the Prefettura.
If you did not obtain an Atto Notorio prior to coming to Italy or you currently reside in Italy, the Atto Notorio can be executed at the Ufficio Atti Notori of the Tribunale Civile.
You will need to make an appointment. Before going, you should also ask how many revenue stamps (marche da bollo) you will need to purchase. Two witnesses over 18 years of age and an interpreter, if necessary, will have to be present. You, the witnesses, and the interpreter must show proof of identity, and if applicable, evidence of recent entry into Italy, i.e. plane ticket or visa, or a Permit to Stay (permesso di soggiorno).
The above information is provided for the convenience of enquirers, but this site cannot take any responsibility whatsoever in regard to the consequences of using the above information.
more informations at: http://www.italy.embassy.gov.au/